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Earn Money Online - 5 Fun Ways to Make Money in 2010

Would you like to sit at home in your PJ's and earn money online? I enjoy doing just that and you can too! Here are 5 fun ways to earn extra money online in your spare time in 2010.

1. Sell Your Photo's- If you can take a picture that will bring ooh's and ahh's from others you may well be able to sell your images on some of the online stock photography sites. Try,,, and for starters.

2. Write For Pay- There are many places you can sell what you write online. Even though there are millions online creating content, many are really not very good at it or don't have the time and will pay good money for content.

3. Online Life Coaching- You might be surprised at the number of people who would pay for life coaching. You would need to work towards becoming an expert in the field, and you might be surprised at how quickly you would be considered an "expert".

4. Develop Custom Search Engines- You can now team up with Yahoo and develop your own custom search engine for any niche out there. Yahoo will even help you monetize your custom search engine, get all the details at

5. Hold Educational Teleseminars- Share you knowledge with others and get paid! You could host teleseminars on virtually any subject matter, and you could even record and archive them to make recurring income. Check out or for more ideas.

I hope I've got your wheels turning about ways you can profit from your time online. In the ever changing online world, the ways you can earn extra money are ever changing as well. Try to stay on the cutting edge of developments in your niches, so you can become aware of new online money making opportunities as they become available.
If you would like more information on earning extra money online, please visit Earn Money or visit